Likkut: Parshas Bamidbor 5784
This week’s Likkut is Bamidbor – 2 Sivan from Chelek 18. Printed in the beginning of the booklet are Horaos of the Rebbe for Shavuos.
This week’s Likkut is Bamidbor – 2 Sivan from Chelek 18. Printed in the beginning of the booklet are Horaos of the Rebbe for Shavuos.
This week’s Likkut is Sicha 2 from Chelek 12. There are Hosafos regarding this week’s Parsha.
This week’s Likkut is Sicha 2 from Chelek 12. The Besuras Hageula: Ois 2 – excerpt from the Sichos of Shabbos Parshas Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5750, and Ois 7
This week’s Likkut is Sicha 2 from Chelek 37. The Besuras Hageula is Ois 24 – excerpt from the Sichos of Shabbos Parshas Emor 5751.
One Mishna of Pirkei Avos with Peirushim and an insight from the Rebbe’s Torah prepared for each Perek neatly on a double-sided paper. Click below
This week’s Likkut is a Sicha from Chelek 12. The Besuras Hageula is Ois 23 – excerpt from the Sichos of Shabbos Parshas Achrei-Kedoshim 5751.
This week’s Likkut is Sicha 2 from Chelek 32. The Besuras Hageula is Ois 19 – excerpt from the Sicha of 26 Nissan 5751.