Weekly Likkut

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Likkut: Parshas Teitzei 5784

This week’s Likkut is from Chelek 39. The Besuras Hageula is Ois 38- excerpt from the Sichos of Shabbos Parshas Teitzei 5751.
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Previous Weeks

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Likkut: Yomim Achroynim Pesach 5784

This week’s Likkut is Yomim Achroynim DeChag HaPesach from Chelek 22. In connection with the last day of Pesach there’s two short Sichos regarding Seudas ...
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Likkut: Pesach 5784

This week’s Likkut is from Chelek, as well as the Michtov Kloli from 11 Nissan 5733.  Ahead of Pesach printed as well is the special ...
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Likkut: Parshas Tazria 5784

This week’s Likkut is from Chelek 37 as well as a Michtov Kloli from Rosh Chodesh Nissan 5730. In connection with Chodesh Nissan is a ...
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